Vitamin E…Did you Know?
If you WANT the scientific FACTS…below is an in-depth look at the differences of Alpha-tocopherol & Gamma-tocopherol (Vitamin E).
When choosing a vitamin E supplement, consumers have a bewildering number of options.
Alpha-tocopherol or Gamma-tocopherol?
Natural or synthetic?
What about capsules containing mixed tocopherols? Here is a look at some of the latest research on this essential nutrient and which forms are best for helping consumers achieve their desired health benefits.
The term vitamin E refers to a group of eight naturally occurring compounds, all with different potencies: alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocopherol and alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocotrienol.
Effects of alpha-tocopherol
For years, alpha-tocopherol has been the showboat among its chemical cousins. It is the main form of vitamin E found in serum and tissues within the human body, the most researched in its family and the most chemically and biologically active form. With such an impressive resume, it is no wonder that all forms of vitamin E are measured in alpha-tocopherol equivalents.
As an antioxidant, one of alpha-tocopherol’s main functions is to protect cell membranes from the damaging effects of free radicals (harmful oxygen byproducts created during metabolism and upon exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke and other environmental contaminants). Free radicals damage DNA, cells and tissues, thereby contributing to the development of degenerative diseases and other health problems.
Alpha-tocopherol and heart disease
Numerous studies in both men and women support an association between alpha-tocopherol intake and a decrease in atherosclerosis risk factors. Studies show that alpha-tocopherol decreases oxidation of low-density lipoprotein, inhibits platelet aggregation, increases vasodilation, and decreases inflammation. Other studies have demonstrated a relationship between endothelial cell functioning and plasma levels of alpha-tocopherol. However, not all randomized controlled trials or epidemiological studies have shown an association between alpha-tocopherol intake and the prevention of atherosclerosis or cardiac events.
Alpha-tocopherol and Cancer
Researchers have postulated that alpha-tocopherol may help prevent cancer by decreasing free radical-induced oxidative damage to DNA.
More promising results have been reported in the area of prostate cancer. Data from the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study, indicated that alpha-tocopherol might play a role in the prevention of prostate cancer. A total of 29,133 male smokers from Finland (average age 57 years) were randomly assigned to receive 50 mg alpha-tocopherol, 20 mg beta-carotene, both agents or placebo daily for five to eight years (median 6.1 years). The group taking alpha-tocopherol had a 32 percent decrease in prostate cancer incidence and a 41 percent decrease in mortality from prostate cancer, compared with the placebo group.
Gamma-tocopherol and Cancer
The role of gamma-tocopherol in cancer prevention is not clear. Some but not all studies have related gamma-tocopherol intake to a decreased incidence of certain cancers. For example, results of cell-culture studies in humans and rats have shown that gamma-tocopherol can inhibit proliferation of prostate, lung, colorectal, and colon cancer cells. Epidemiological studies have shown that dietary vitamin E intake is related to lower rates of breast cancer, but these examine total vitamin E intake and do not look separately at alpha- and gamma-tocopherol.
How much and what kind of vitamin E?
Vitamin E deficiency is rare in humans and is typically seen only in those with severe malnutrition, genetic defects, or fat malabsorption disorders, such as cystic fibrosis…But…
Does the average person get enough vitamin E to prevent disease?
Probably not. Intake levels are low, and many people do not even meet the adult daily reference intake of 15 mg/day.
*Studies showing health benefits typically start with an intake higher than 200 mg/day. Nutritionists usually recommend obtaining micronutrients from food before turning to supplementation, but in the case of vitamin E, one would have to eat more food than is humanly possible to obtain at least 200 mg/day. Therefore, for those who wish to increase vitamin E intake to potentially therapeutic levels, supplements are the only option.
WE RECOMMEND USING TOPICAL, 100% PURE, Natural Vitamin E oil DAILY, as well as take it internally Daily!
We also have this incredible Vitamin E oil in several of our products!